At Little Dreamers we value all children and believe that ‘every Child really does matter!’ We aim to provide the highest quality of care and education for all our children by helping them to build a strong foundation for their future learning. We aim to create a rich, warm, safe, and secure environment, which motivates and provides enjoyable learning experiences. We aim to promote the independence of the children in our care, enabling them to become confident, capable learners who will achieve their full potential.
We adhere to the Ofsted Statutory Framework of the EYFS and the four guiding principles that shape practice within Early Years settings.
• Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
• Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
• Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.
• Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.
Foundation Stage Curriculum
We recognise the uniqueness of the foundation stage curriculum and actively promote the use of play as the primary vehicle for learning. We plan for an exciting and challenging curriculum based on our observation of children’s needs, interests, and stages of development across the seven areas of learning to enable the children to achieve their full potential (by achieving and exceeding the early learning goals whenever possible).
The nursery environment is regularly assessed, and provision is planned according to the children’s needs. This helps to formulate a long-term plan, which along with the Early Year’s Outcomes ensures a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all the children. Plans are based on children’s interests, information gathered from parents and carers, and careful assessment of the children (data gathered via observations and work undertaken highlight gaps in learning and skills which can then be planned into short-term plans for all children). Short-term plans are working documents, which guide practice and include enhanced provision plans, direct and indirect educator sessions and objective led planning tasks/activities.
The initial focus is strongly based within the three prime areas, which are the basis for successful learning within the other four specific areas. The three prime areas reflect the key skills and capacities all children need to develop and learn effectively and become ready for school. The balance will shift towards an equal focus on all areas of learning as the children move through the Early Years at Little Dreamers and grow in confidence and ability within these areas.
Predominantly, assessment of children in the EYFS is through observations. Observations are recorded in several ways and take many different forms e.g., photographs, post it notes, formal and informal observations etc. All educators engage in observing children and contribute to formative assessments. Significant observations of children’s achievements are collated in their own online personal learning journey, which are regularly shared with parents and can be accessed remotely by parents and family through the Family App. Parents/- carers are invited to attend parents/carers morning/evening and formal written reports are produced at the end of the year for transition to school.
Parents or Carers as Partners and the wider context
We strive to create and maintain strong partnerships with parents and carers as we recognise that together, we can have a significant impact on a child’s learning. We welcome and actively encourage parents to participate in their child’s education and care in numerous ways: sharing experiences through ‘wow’ moments, stay and play sessions, baking activities, activity days, concerts and trips. We draw on our links with the wider community to enrich children’s experiences by taking them on outings and inviting members of the community into our setting e.g., local church celebrations, visits to the local library.
Transitions between home and nursery/ nursery and reception are carefully planned and time given to ensure continuity of learning (particularly for children joining us from different settings). During transition meetings, the child’s needs are acknowledged and effective partnerships with those involved with the children are established e.g., other settings, including nurseries and child-minders. Children and parents are invited to attend introductory/settling in sessions to develop familiarity with the setting and educators to aid a smoother transition. All educators work closely to plan a transition program that suits the needs of each cohort and individuals.
For more information and guidance on the Early Years Foundation Stage, please click below.